Critical illness


It’s an insurance policy that helps protect you if you become critically ill during the policy term. It pays out a tax-free lump sum that you can use however you like – whether that’s to help cover health-related costs, monthly expenses, or lost income while you get better.

It’s an insurance policy that helps protect you if you become critically ill during the policy term. It pays out a tax-free lump sum that you can use however you like – whether that’s to help cover health-related costs, monthly expenses, or lost income while you get better.

  • Do you need critical illness cover?
  • You can’t know what’s around the corner for your health, but you can make sure you’re prepared financially.
    Think about expenses you’d need to cover if you were critically ill and couldn’t work. It might be monthly outgoings like rent payments or mortgage payments and general bills, or instalments on a loan. If you don’t have savings to fall back on, getting cover can help take financial worry away while you’re recovering or having treatment.
  • How much critical illness cover do you need?
  • It depends on things like what you want to cover, how much you’re looking to pay each month, and for how long.  Lots of different factors to consider and that’s why here at TNJ Mortgages we can help you with the most suitable cover for you.

Get in touch

To protect yourself and family, get in touch with us today

We are the experts, and we are here to help you find the mortgage solution that best suits your requirement

We are the experts, and we are here to help you find the mortgage solution that best suits your requirement

We are the experts, and we are here to help you find the mortgage solution that best suits your requirement