Mixed bag for housing in 2023

Unpredictability was certainly a theme for UK housing in 2022, with political turbulence, Bank Rate hikes and shifting post-pandemic supply and demand patterns all contributing to an uncertain and fast-changing market. As we move in 2023, questions still abound. House prices to fall Foremost among these questions is – how far will house prices fall? […]

Supporting you in 2023 and beyond

We’ve made it to 2023 after what has proved to be another difficult year. The cost-of-living crisis, rising mortgage rates and ongoing economic turbulence resulted in a challenging 2022 for many of us. No matter what 2023 has in store, we’re here to help keep your finances on track. Navigating a cooling housing market With […]

Could you survive financially?

Nearly half (45%) of adults between the ages of 25 and 44 who don’t have a protection policy aren’t sure they could cope financially if they were too ill to work. Worrying research from LV= suggests that a large minority of working adults could be in significant danger of financial distress if they fell ill. […]